Monday, January 14, 2013


To be honest I'm not sure what youre looking for with the godhead. With the biology is just clicked how Christ can be him and God at the same time, probably not anything thatll help your lesson, but every human has 46 chromosomes, 23 from mom 23 from dad, Christ is the father because he has his chromosomes, just like I got dads, I'm dad in representation because I'm his DNA just like yours, I'm a dalton no matter what, I take you and dad with me no matter where I go, just like Christ. This probably is very elementary when you get it or here it but it worked for me, it's either easy or I'm rambling with no articulation. It feels good to speak English. Anyways, the best way I think of Gods love is the fact that God sacrificed his son instead of himself. Just like you'd die before you let me die I'm sure God would do the same, making it harder to do, requiring understanding that it had to be done by a mortal and by someone else. Christs love is shown to me by his willing ness to take the pain that wasn't required of him just so he can take care of us and know how it feels to feel alone. And I think his loneliness was the most API ful, but I also think its the most common pain for man. Separation from god wasn't something he expected in my opinion. The holy ghost, the one who lets us know we actually are loved. He's how we know we're forgiven when we sin, separation wise idk if you'll have to explain that much, but I have to remind myself that the greatest testimony of it is the fact that Joseph smith saw them separate. Rid probably doesn't help. But idk what you were looking for so yeah. We haven't had any cool contacts with Christmas to be honest but it was a good conversation starter and people seemed to listen more in general. Glad you enjoyed Christmas. Hope you're better soon. Love you

Hey dad,

I think I have sleep Apnia too. Have you ever taken melatonin? It's natural so you don't have to worry about all that. It works awesome for me. It helps anxiety too when I have my mouth piece in. Just an idea. I'm glad you don't have cancer! That's exciting.good luck hunting, kill a couple for me. Love ya,

Hey Connor, thanks brotha! I'll make sure I try real hard, I miss you too man, love ya tons

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